Alphabetical (by first name) of those qualifying for the February to April 2022 final to be held at Rainbow Casino, Brstol on Sunday 22 May 2022. Minimum seven games played.
Number of additional chips gained also shown.
Aaron Apperley 0
Aaron Darlow 0
Al Melrose 1000
Alan Norbury 1000
Alan Reynolds 0
Alex Chambers 1500
Allen Tatton 3500
Andrew Mosforth 0
Andy Holder 500
Anthony Davis 0
Archie Brennan 0
Ben Walton 0
Ben Warren 0
Bri Trinder 1500
Chris Adams 0
Christian Ford 0
Clive Cooper 3000
Clive Smith 4500
Colin Brown 500
Colin Warrington 500
Connor Healey 0
Craig Dobson 5000
Dan Iles 1000
Dan Smith 0
Dan Wilcox 4500
Daniel Davis 1000
Darryl Hill 0
Dave Errington 5000
Dave Hanley 0
Dave Jones 0
Debbie Cook 0
Derwin 2000
Dish Patel 0
Dom Frasca 0
Eddie Potter 0
Euan Archer 2500
Florin Blanaru 0
Gary Corcoran 3500
Graeme Batstone 0
Hayley Lundberg 5000
Jason Huntley 1000
Joe Morgan 3500
John Colbert 0
John Georgiou 0
Julian Humphries 2500
Julie Dimond 2000
Kade Hall 1000
Leon Latouche 0
Leon Scibberas 500
Leroy Oakey 4500
Luke Sprigmore 500
Mandy Stock 3000
Mark Carpenter 3000
Mark Dimond 1000
Mark Taylor 500
Martin Walters 1500
Martyn Frost 3500
Matt Arkle 500
Matt Reynolds 1000
Maz Maszlag 500
Mike Davies 500
Mike Panting 0
Mircea Patrascan 500
N J 500
Natasha Turk 0
Nick Myatt 500
Nick Tatton 500
Nigel Anderson 1500
Nikki Humphries 500
Ola Lundgren 0
Paresh Patel 5000
Pat Perry 0
Pete Pooletti 0
Peter Metcalfe 0
Rich Johnson 1500
Richard Mighton 500
Richard Smith 5000
Ricky Jones 2500
Robert Wayman 500
Rory Sutton 1500
Ross Brown 0
Sharon Evans 4000
Simon Inglis 0
Steve Adams 1000
Steve Francis 1000
Steve Hanson 0
Steve Patchett 0
Tim Dancey 1500
Tina Powell 1000
Toby Reynolds 500
Tom Chambers 3000
Tom Downes 500
Vietnam Van 0
Vince Scarth 500
Will Park 0
If you're not listed and have played 7 of more games in the February to March series, or if you think you're due more chips, contact Paresh on 07870 685636.
Sunday games in Gloucester are now being held at the Barn Owl, Thatcham Avenue, Kingsway, GloucesterGL2 2GS.
The Linden Tree is no longer offering Fair Play Poker. Our thanks to the pub for hosting us .
Barn Owl now offering three games a week - Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
The February to May series final was held at the Rainbow Xasino in Bristol on Sunday 21st July, with 52 players taking part.
Proceedings began with Mark Diamond being presented with a £25 chip for winning the pub league with 2,705 points from 54 games. Leroy Oakey was second and Julie Rose was third.
The bounty was on last final's winner, Tyler Shrubb and Martyn Frost eventually claimed the £25 prize for eliminating Tyler.
The final table comprised Martyn Bullingham, Martyn Frost, Dom Frasca, Tim Dancey, Dan Wilcox, Graeme Batstone, Steve Patchett, Hayley Lundberg and Lauren Allen. Bully, Frosty, Dom and Tim were eliminated in that order. Dan was next to go taking the £50 prize for fifth place. Graeme took £100 for fouth prize and Steve £150 for third leaving Hayley and Lauren to go head to head. Hayley took the runners up prize of £200 leaving Lauren £500 better off after collecting first prize.
DEPART: London Gatwick 12.10 Thursday 17 November 2016
direct flight (11 hour flight)
ARRIVE: Las Vegas, Nevada 15.00 Thursday 17 November 2016 (23.00 UK time)
STAYING AT: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino; 2000 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas - Standard De Luxe Room
Check In 15:00, Thu - 17/11/2016
Check Out 11:00, Thu - 24/11/2016
DEPART: Las Vegas, Nevada 17.00 Thursday 24 November 2016
directflight (10 hour flight)
ARRIVE: London Gatwick 10.50 Friday 24 November 2016 (02.50 Nevada time)
PRICE £650 PER PERSON (based on two people sharing a room)
To be paid in full by 17th August
PAYMENT: Cash to Paresh or Dennis; or bank transfer to bank account 50377968 sort code 30-91-87 using reference 'Vegas + your name'
PAYMENT COVERS: Flights and hotel as above
YOU PAY: Transport to and from Gatwick; transfers airport/hotel in Las Vegas; resort tax; all meals; travel insurance (recommended - medical is shedloads in US); plus, of course, the shedloads that you lose in the casinos.
YOU ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR: making sure your passport is current between 17th and 25th November 2016; and sorting out US visa requirements.
If you prefer a different hotel, you are welcome to do so but will be required to pay a supplement to cover the difference in cost. A number of hotels are shown in the next section with estimated supplements. This is subject to fluctuation and you will
be liable for the increase at the time of booking.
Aria + £400
Ballys Las Vegas + £100
Bellagio The Resort + £350
Caesar's Palace + £400
Circus Circus + £30
Cosmopolitan + £400
Cromwell + £360
Encore at Wynn + £400
Excalibur Hotel and Casino + £50
Flamingo Las Vegas + £90
Hard Rock Hotel and casino + £50
Harrah's Las Vegas + £80
Luxor Hotel and Casino + £50
Mandalay bay Resort and Casino + £230
MGM Grand Hotel and Casino + £170
Mirage The hotel and casino + £185
Monte Carlo Resort and Casino + £130
New York/New York Hotel and Casino + £170
Palace Station - £0
Palazzo + £600
Paris Las Vegas + £500
Planet Hollywood + £240
Rio Suites and Casino + £360
Silver Sevens + £70
SLS Las Vegas + £170
Tropicana Resort and Casino + £120
Vdara + £350
Venetian Casino Resort + £600
Wynn Las Vegas + £400
The following players are invited to the January/February 2016 series final at the Rainbow Casino, Explore Lane Bristol BS1 5TY on Sunday 10th April. Play starts at 12 noon SHARP. If you are going to be late please let Dennis or Paresh know before 12 noon on the day.
Also shown is the number of extra chips earned. If you think that you have qualified and you are not listed here, or if you disagree with the extra chips shown, contact Dennis before the day. DISPUTES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED AT THE FINAL.
Adrian Parry Smyth | 1,000 |
Keith Wheeler |
Allen Tatton | Konrad Czechyra | ||
AndrewCannon Snr | 4,000 | Luke Gamble | |
Andy Bennett | Luke Tyler | ||
Andy Keen | Malcolm Adams | 4,000 | |
Ash Larkin | Marie Cannon | 1,000 | |
Ayrton Grant | Mark James | 500 | |
Bob Davidson | 500 | Mark Paget | |
Brandon Pass | Martyn Frost | ||
Chris Houlton | 1,000 | Matt Johnson | |
Clive Smith | Maz | ||
Craig Mackie | 1,000 | Mike Humphries | |
Darren Franks | Nicholas Arrell | ||
Dave Errington | Nicola Tarry | ||
Dave Plumpton | Nikki Humphries | 500 | |
Dennis Parsons | 500 | Nobby Clark | 2,000 |
Dom Frasca | Paresh Patel | 3,500 | |
Domas Gedrimas | Richard Holden | ||
Emma Riley | Richard Huskonson | 1,000 | |
Eniko Gallai | 500 | Richard Sheldon | 500 |
Gabor Biro | Rob Greene | ||
Rob Wayman | |||
Gary Broom | 500 | Ryan Poulton | |
Graeme Batstone | Sean Khodabaccus | ||
Harry Malt | 1,500 | Simon Inglis | 500 |
Jacob Cole | 1,000 | Steve Adams | 3,000 |
James Brown | Steve Patchett | 500 | |
Jason Huntley | 1,000 | Steven Medler | |
Jens Eberhardt | 500 | Tamas Biro | |
Stuart Smith | |||
Jo Edwards | Tim Dancey | 500 | |
Jordan McGoldrick | 500 | Tracey Thirnton | 500 |
Josh Richards | Vince Scarth | ||
Josh Harris | |||
Julian Humphries | 1,000 |
Wednesday 2 November 2016:
08.50: Depart London Heathrow - Virgin Atlantic Flight: VS3
13.00: Arrive: J.F.Kennedy International, New York
15.30: Depart: J.F.Kennedy International, New York - Virgin Atlantic Flight: VS4823
18.21: Arrive: Las Vegas McCarran International Airport
Staying six nights at the three star Excalibur Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas
Based on two people sharing twin-bedded room. Doubles available on request
(Resort fee payable by you of $29 per room per night - $14.50 each).
Tuesday 8 November 2016
13.15: Depart Las Vegas McCarran International Airport - Virgin Atlantic Flight: VS4818
21.11 Arrive: J.F.Kennedy International, New York
22.30 Depart: J.F.Kennedy International, New York - Virgin Atlantic Flight: VS5403
Wednesday 9 November 2016:
10.30 Arrive London Heathrow
The cost of flights and hotel is currently £750 per person. BUT these prices - particularly of flights - do vary depending on availability and on the dollar exchange rate. In addition, you are responsible for getting to and from Heathrow and transport from Las Vegas Airport to the hotel. We can sort out car sharing for the Heathrow leg once we know who's going; and we'll sort out transport between the hotel and Las Vegas airport when we arrive.
The deposit is £100 per person to secure the flight and hotel at the price current at the time of paying the deposit; and the balance 12 weeks before departure. The deposit is non-refundable.
·making sure your passport is current between 2nd and 9th November 2016
·sorting out US visa requirements
·travel insurance (recommended - medical is horrendous in US)
·all meals
·the resort fee mentioned above
·the shedloads of money you're gonna lose in the casinos.
Hand £100 in cash to Dennis or Paresh or pay the £100 deposit to bank account 50377968 sort code 30-91-87 using reference 'Vegas + your name' and email Dennis at
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLYING is immediately after the January/February series final on 10th April.
The November/December 2015 series final was held at the Gala Casino in Bristol on Sunday 31 January 2016.
After Andrew Cannon Snr had been presented with his trophy for winning both the November/December series league and the best ten scores, 41 players sat down to do battle. First out, to loud cheers, was Josh Harris. But, thanks to the option to rebuy, Josh was soon back.
After the usual mix of rubbish cards and rubbish play, we arrived at the final table with the following players all in with a chance for the cash prizes. The chip count was as follows:
Luke Gamble | 300,100 |
Dave Errington | 213,500 |
Darren Franks | 188,400 |
Allen Tatton | 164,800 |
Mark James | 108,900 |
Emma Riley | 59,600 |
Marie Cannon | 57,500 |
Josh Richards | 39,000 |
Josh Harris | 29,000 |
First to leave us was Josh Richards whose K9 off was no match for Dave's AQ off, especially with A and Q appearing on the turn and the river.
But surprisingly, the next to leave was Dave Errington when his A8 off all in shout was called by Luke holding AK off. Dave hit the 8 on the flop but, sadly for him, Luke flopped the king. The ace on the river just added insult to injury. As Dave was the reigning champion, Luke collected the £25 bounty on Dave's head.
Finishing in seventh place after being first out, Josh Harris lost the race with Luke when his Q10 of hearts failed to find a match and Luke's pocket fours held up.
Marie was not so lucky with her pocket fours next hand as her all in was met with Tats' pocket kings.
In the money now, as Emma leaves with her £50 fifth prize. Hopeful after the flop of 9,5,3 of hearts found a match for the J9 of clubs. Not so happy as the river gave Tats the ace to match his A4 off.
Daz left with £100 in fourth after his QJ off all in was called by Tats holding KQ off. The flop produced both king and jack. The king on the river just made sure.
Mark had hit a straight flush earlier on final table when his 9,8 of diamonds met a flop of 10, 7, 6 of diamonds. But he ended the day in third place and collected prize money of £150 when his K9 of clubs left him with only one over when Tats showed pocket nines.
So now it's heads up with Tats holding a slight chip lead. But poker being the game it is, that was to no avail when his final call of K6 of hearts was called by Luke - who was ahead on chips by then - holding Q7 off. Tats was ahead until what proved to be the last card of the tournament when the seven of clubs appeared on the river.
£500 and trophy to the winner and £200 to the runner up.
Top ten for the November/December 2015 series final
1 | Luke Gamble |
2 | Allen Tatton |
3 | Mark James |
4 | Darren Franks |
5 | Emma Riley |
6 | Marie Cannon |
7 | Josh Harris |
8 | Dave Errington |
9 | Josh Richards |
10 | Paresh Patel |
So get those games in in February to make sure we see you at the Gala Casino on Sunday 27 March for the January/February final.
The following players are invited to the November/December series final at the Rainbow Casino, Explore Lane Bristol BS1 5TY this coming Sunday 31st January. Play starts at 12 noon SHARP. If you are going to be late please let Dennis or Paresh know before 12 noon on the day.
Also shown is the number of extra chips earned. If you think that you have qualified and you are not listed here, or if you disagree with the extra chips shown, contact Dennis before the day. DISPUTES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED AT THE FINAL.
Adrian Parry Smythe | Domas Gedrimas | 3,000 | Julian Humphries | 1,000 | Richard Holden | ||
Allen Tatton | Drew Guthrie | Julian Robinson | Richard Huskinson | 1,000 | |||
Andrew Cannon | Emma Riley | Kris Evans | Richard Sheldon | ||||
Andrew Cannon Snr | 5,000 | Gary Broom | Luke Gamble | Richard Smith | |||
Andy Bennett | Gordon Rendle | Luke Tyler | 500 | Rob Bowen | |||
Andy Keen | Graeme Batstone | Malcolm Adams | 500 | Rob Wayman | 500 | ||
Bob Davidson | Harry Malt |
Marie Cannon |
500 | Ryan Poulton | 1,000 | ||
Brandon Pass | Jack Cousins | Mark James | Sandy Humphries | ||||
Brian Caswell |
Jack Lampitt |
Mark Paget | 500 | Simon Inglis | 1,000 | ||
Chris Houlton | 500 | James Brown | Mark Taylor | Steve Adams | 1,500 | ||
Clive Smith | James Hartland | Martyn Frost | 500 | Steve Patchett | |||
Craig Mackie | 500 | Jason Huntley | 1,500 | Maz | Sunny Kalcutt | ||
Dale Corry | Jens Eberhardt | 500 | Mike Humphries | 500 | Tim Dancey | 500 | |
Darren Franks | John Dymock | Nika Gedrimas | Tracey Thornton | ||||
Dave Errington | 500 | Jordan McGoldrick | 500 | Nikki Humphries | 500 | Wayne Evns | |
Dave Plumpton | Josh Harris | Nobby | 500 | Will Hartland | |||
Dave Rogers | Josh Richards | Paresh | 1,500 | Wize | 500 | ||
Dennis Parsons | 500 | ||||||
Dom Frasca |
The following players have qualified for the September-October series final to be held at the Rainbow Casino, Explore Lane,
BRISTOL BS1 5TY on Sunday 29th November. Players are listed in alphabetical order of first or known name. Extra chips
gained are also shown.
Play will start promptly at 12 noon. If you are going to be late please let Dennis or Paresh know before 12 noon on the day.
If you think that you have qualified and you are not listed here, or if you disagree with the extra chips shown, contact Dennis
Adrian Parry-Smythe | 500 |
Allen Tatton | 500 |
Andrew Cannon Senior | 3,500 |
Andy Bennett | 0 |
Andy Jones | 0 |
Andy Keen | 500 |
Bob Davidson | 0 |
Caroline Findlay | 5,000 |
Clive Smith | 0 |
Dale Corry | 0 |
Darren Franks | 0 |
Dave Errington | 1,500 |
Dave Plumpton | 0 |
Dave Rogers | 500 |
Dennis Parsons | 0 |
Dom Frasca | 0 |
Domas Gedrimas | 2,000 |
Drew Guthrie | 1,000 |
Emma Riley | 0 |
Gary Broom | 2,000 |
Graeme Batstone | 500 |
Jack lampitt | 0 |
James Hartland | 0 |
Jason Huntley | 1,000 |
Jens Eberhardt | 500 |
Joel Stacks | 0 |
John Dymock | 0 |
Jordan McGoldrick | 0 |
Josh Harris | 0 |
Josh Richards | 500 |
Julian Humphries | 500 |
Julian Robinson | 0 |
Kris Evans | 0 |
Kris Harrington | 0 |
Liam Jones | 0 |
Luke Gamble | 500 |
Luke Tyler | 0 |
Malcolm Adams | 2,000 |
Maria Koepernick | 0 |
Marie Cannon | 1,000 |
Mark Paget | 500 |
Mark Taylor | 0 |
Martyn Bullingham | 0 |
Martyn Frost | 0 |
Matt Johnson | 0 |
Maz | 0 |
Mike Humphries | 0 |
Nikki Humphries | 500 |
Nobby | 2,500 |
Olly Dadge | 0 |
Paresh | 3,500 |
Pete Berry | 1,500 |
Richard Holden | 500 |
Richard Huskinson | 500 |
Richard Sheldon | 500 |
Richard Smith | 500 |
Rob Bowen | 500 |
Rob Greene | 0 |
Rob Wayman | 500 |
Rosie Wareham | 0 |
Sam Waterhouse | 0 |
Sandy Humphries | 0 |
Simon Inglis | 1,000 |
Steve Adams | 0 |
Steve Patchett | 0 |
Sunny Kalcutt | 500 |
Tim Dancey | 500 |
Toby Lahye | 0 |
Tracey Thornton | 0 |
Wayne Evans |
0 |
Will Hartland |
500 |
We have been invited to take part in an additional Dusk till Dawn freeroll tournament on
Sunday 15th November. It's the usual format with top 10% getting paid and a winner's prize of
over £1,000. And there will be £20 rebuys available any time in the first four blind
levels. Doors open 12 noon; NO FREE BREKKIE (apologies from Dusk till Dawn - some sort
of labour/health and safety issue) ; 1PM START prompt; 20,000 starting stack and 20 minute
blind levels.
Those who have not been before will need photo ID on the day of the final - photo driver's
licence or passport or UK Citizen's card. Nothing else will be accepted.
Those entered are: Ady Parry Smyth, Andy Bennett, Andy Jones, Dave Plumpton,
Frosty, John Dymock*, Josh Richards, Luke Gamble, Mark Taylor, Maz, Mike Humphries,
Nobby, Paresh, Rob Greene, Rob Weyman, Ryan Poulton, Jammy Sammy Waterhouse,
Sandy Humphries, Simon Inglis, Steve Patchett, Sunny Kalcutt, Tim Dancey, Tracey
Thornton, Will Hartland.
*Only if he gets his date of birth to me in time to register him to play